Meet my Tribe -an introduction to the people that make traveling with a group a life-changing experience.

One of my favorite Tribe members is a young, vivacious, beautiful, and well-traveled 27-year-old (28 next month) by the name of Kayla W. Kayla is a brilliant, published author and also a “shaper of young minds”. Kayla has been traveling with us for years and is also a true inspiration as she is currently “Black and Abroad” living her life out loud. We are truly fascinated with the life of Black ex-pats in other countries and welcomed this opportunity to explore what our Kayla has been up to while living in Spain.

I hope you enjoy Kayla’s candid responses to my questions and take inspiration in her ability to be freely herself in every space that she enters. We love her so much!

GT: How many countries have you visited? Kayla W: I’m at 18 countries so far and will be at 20 by the end of March!

GT: What’s it like living abroad? Kayla W: I love it! I’m really close with my family so it’s harder some days not physically being with them, but I’m thankful to live in a time where text and video calls exist. I’m learning more about the world, others, and myself on what seems like a daily basis due to living abroad.

GT: What’s your everyday life like? Kayla W: I only work four hours a week four days out of the week with the program I’m in. I teach two after school English classes as well. This gives me the opportunity to still do what I love, teach & work with children, but also gives me time to enjoy the life I’m living. My post work routine differs but more often than not I FaceTime with my mom when I’m off work. If it’s warm out I may spend the rest of the day at the beach. Other times I may dive into some reading or writing. The public transportation here is great so there’s even some days where my friends and I decide to take a day trip to a different city.

GT: How long will you be gone? Kayla W: I’ll be back in the states for a couple of months max in the summer before I return back to Spain for the start of the school year. I don’t have a set time frame for how long I’ll live here or abroad in general.

GT: Will you be trying other countries? Kayla W: I haven’t fully decided. I’m open to go wherever I feel is calling me, but I don’t have any set plans on moving to a different country as of now.

GT: What would you tell people who wanted to consider living or traveling abroad? Kayla W: Trying new things is scary but living a life in fear and even possibly regret is even scarier. Take the chance and do the thing!

GT: Tell us about yourself and your travels. Kayla W: My degree is in Early Childhood Education. I work with 3year olds – 6th grade here and I’ve been surprised with how much I’ve loved working with the 4th-6th graders here in Spain. My students love hearing about where I’m from/my background and I love when they share theirs with me. For traveling, I’m learning that big things I love about cities are good food (a given if you’ve met me haha), the architecture, efficient &/or pretty public transportation, and the feeling I get while I’m there. I’ve also been shocked by the fact that my introverted self has made friends on the last two solo trips I’ve taken, but it’s been a blast getting to meet & connect with others!

GT: Is it hard being an expat? Kayla W: I think making friends as an adult can be pretty difficult and was my biggest worry. If you find spaces that you already love and put yourself out there just a tad bit, then you’re bound to meet some gems of people. Some people can be meaner than expected (a lot of harsh stereotypes for Americans), but in the same token there’s way more kind people as well in my experience.

GT: What do you miss the most in the US (besides momma)? Kayla W: BISCUITS! The closest thing that they have in Europe are scones and despite what the British may say, they are NOT the same and that’s one of the first things I’m planning on eating when I’m back state side. I of course miss my Milo (technically my mom’s dog) and his snuggles.

GT: Tell me your top 3 bucket list destinations? Kayla W: Bali! I was living vicariously through the Tribe trip there and I definitely will be figuring out way to make the next trip if Glamma Travels plans another trip there. Morocco & I may be able to cross it off my list this year or next year. Zimbabwe because my fifth-grade teacher was from there and I was always curious what it was like where she grew up. I think this quote is most fitting about my bucket list, “I haven’t been everywhere yet but it’s on my list.”

I hope this helps you to understand the Black Girl Magic that is Kayla W. Living a life that others only dream of, not because she is fearless, but because she will not allow fear to get in her way! I could not be prouder that she is a member of our Tribe and I hope she inspires other young people to come on trips. It’s funny that she said Zimbabwe is on her top 3 because we can absolutely add it on to South Africa this October.